Sunday, December 26, 2010

Drinking a glass of orange juice everyday can clean the kidneys

Each year, you will drive to the store several times maintenance. Inevitably, the mechanic take your air filter for you. "Look," he said looking at you down the expression, "better for it." Organs of your body can not easily replace such a luxury.
Your lungs like a car engine oil filter like the liver and kidneys. These organs, together with the gastrointestinal tract and the lymphatic system, for you to purify the blood, and metabolic waste out of the body. Not pay attention to protection of these organs will lead to variety of diseases, from hypertension to asthma and so on. However, although you can not do your lymph system (lymph is a self-cleaning system), but you can take some measures, more attention to the protection of the other four organs. After all, another organ, this is not what is easy. Do not think of till the genius of maintenance.
Do you think your liver is the capital of indulgence it? We know that the liver weight of about 1.58 kg, as the largest gland in the human body, in addition to break down the alcohol intake outside, there are at least 250 kinds of functions. First, the liver filters the blood of bacteria and pollutants, and also produces bile. Bile is a thick liquid used to help break down fat absorption, yes, it is not the gall bladder secretion. "If the damage to your liver, alcohol, or poor diet lead to excessive fat deposits in your liver, these functions will suffer." - Paul Martin said the University of Miami he was a leading expert Hepatology. Some people will not have alcohol fatty liver, because it led to the risk factors of metabolic syndrome is also associated with: obesity, diabetes and high triglyceride levels.

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