Sunday, December 26, 2010

New research shows that: edible whole-grain food can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer

Danish Cancer Prevention Center, a new study shows that consumption of whole grains may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer risk.
Danish researchers reported that this result is nearly 10 years under Danish collected 5.5 million questionnaires and research data obtained. Data analysis showed that men consumed 50 grams per day whole grains can reduce the risk of suffering from colon cancer 15%, but the effect for women but not obvious.
The researchers explained that whole wheat bread, oatmeal and other whole grain foods can strengthen the intestinal flora and improve digestion, whole grains can prevent colorectal cancer is the most important reason. But can not explain why women in the study of food consumption of whole grains a weak anti-cancer effect. They speculated that the study may be due to insufficient data collected by women. But the researchers stressed that other studies show that women eating whole grains also help prevent colon cancer.
Danish Food Administration recommended intake of Danish adults every day at least 75 grams of whole grain foods.

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